  1. Components
  2. Attributes


Attributes modify how a component is rendered. Data passed in via attributes can be printed on the page or used to conditionally render a section inside the component:

// components/ImageWithDescription.stencil
	<img src="{‎{ image }}" />
		<p>{‎{ description }}</p>
	description="Value, Price and Profit is an economic exploration of the relationship between the value of commodities, their market prices and labor."

Overwriting and merging attributes

All attributes given to a component, that are not used inside the definition, will be applied to the root element:

// components/Button.stencil
<button class="bg-black">
	<slot />
// pages/index.stencil
<Button type="button">
	Click me
// output/index.html
<button class="bg-black" type="button">
	Click me

However, if you do use an attribute inside the component definition, it won’t automatically be applied to the root element:

// components/Button.stencil
<button class="bg-black">
	@‎if(variant equals 'primary')
		<PrimaryIcon />
	<slot />
// pages/index.stencil
<Button variant="secondary">
	Click me
// output/index.html
<button class="bg-black">
	Click me

If you use an attribute that already exists on the root element, it will overwrite it:

// components/Button.stencil
<button type="submit">
	<slot />
// pages/index.stencil
<Button type="button">
	Click me
// output/index.html
<button type="button">
	Click me

If you want to merge two attributes, you can do so manually:

// components/Button.stencil
<button class="bg-black {‎{ class }}">
	<slot />
// pages/index.stencil
<Button class="text-white">
	Click me
// output/index.html
<button class="bg-black text-white">
	Click me

Binding attributes

By default, all attributes are strings. If you need the attribute to be another data type, you can bind it:

// pages/index.stencil
// components/List.stencil
		@‎each(item, index in items)
			@if‎(index less than maxSize)
				<li class="{‎{ if item.order less than record.size then 'mt-4' else '' }}">
					{‎{ item }}

	@‎if(items.size greater than maxSize)
			Show all

Binding a record as attributes

A record can be bound so that all its properties become attributes on a component:

// pages/index.stencil
@for(page in $pages.articles.$pages)
	<PageLink #bind="page">
		{‎{ page.name.titleCase() }}
// components/PageLink.stencil
<a href="{‎{ href }}">
	<slot />