  1. Templates
  2. Data


On every page and component, a number of records are available for use.


$pages contains information about the pages directory. It mirrors the structure of pages so you can access a subdirectory:


Or you can access a deeply nested page:


$pages can be used to dynamically render a list of links on a collection page or in a navigation with a loop.

A subdirectory in $pages contains information about all the nested pages and directories inside that directory.

If you want to only access pages inside a directory, there is a property on the record called $pages:


If you want to access all pages in that directory or in any subdirectories, you can use $allPages:


Similar properties exist for directories.


$page represents the current page. It contains properties such as name, path, and slug as well as any custom data you’ve added to the page.


$data contains any custom data you’ve defined for a page. All properties in $data are also available globally, so $data is mostly useful for debugging.


$attributes is only available inside a component and contains all attributes that were passed to the component. It’s mostly useful for debugging purposes or to apply all attributes to a nested element in the component:

// components/ButtonWithHelp.stencil
	<button #bind="$attributes">
		<slot />
		{‎{ hint }}


$config contains all configuration from the config directory.

Custom data

It’s possible to add custom data to a page. This can be meta information like a publishing date or information used in a loop like an order property.

In markdown pages, data is added with Yaml in front matter:

layout: Base
title: The Poverty of Philosophy
year: 1847
order: 1 

# The Poverty of Philosophy

In Stencil pages, data is added with Yaml in a special Data component:

		title: The Poverty of Philosophy
		year: 1847
		order: 1 

		The Poverty of Philosophy

<‎Data>can only be used in a page file. The data will not be available if it’s defined inside a component.