  1. Pages
  2. Stencil pages

Stencil pages

You can create a new Stencil page by running the following command in a terminal:

paper make:page /books --layout=Base

This creates a new page at pages/books.stencil.

When to use Stencil pages

Stencil pages are useful for pages with a unique layout, like the home page.

Stencil pages are also useful for collection pages.

Unique pages might share a base layout with other pages but the content of the page isn’t structured rigidly like on an article page.


The URL of the page is derived from the file name.

pages/articles/value-price-and-profit.stencil has the path /articles/value-price-and-profit


Most pages will use an existing layout:


If a page doesn’t share any markup with other pages, it can use custom HTML.

		// ...


A stencil page has access to all components. You might have common UI elements as components:


		<ListItem>Wage Labour and Capital</ListItem>
		<ListItem>Value, Price and Profit</ListItem>
		<ListItem>The Holy Family</ListItem>

It’s also common to have reusable sections as components:


	<TextWithImage title="Rich data" image="/images/rich-data.png">


It’s possible to define custom data for a Stencil page. This is metadata that is mostly useful when referencing the page in other places, like a loop.

		title: The Poverty of Philosophy
		year: 1847
		order: 1 
